Monday, February 16, 2009

Critical Literacy


In this article they argue about the body language that speaks to muggers where I think it is acceptable based on the evidence that showed in that article. Actually, the evidence had been proved by researchers. For example, the researchers analyze that each person’s use 26 movements that form basic components in Labanalysis, a common system for describing and notating movement. As a conclusion, I agree with this issue where muggers can easily point their victims by looking their movements.


This topic which is entitled ‘What is The Evidence’ tells us about how important is the evidence to prove anything that had been argued. From the article I can say that evidence is the facts, signs and object that make you believe that something is true. For example the information that is used in the court about any cases. Usually testimonial evidence is more trustworthy rather than circumstantial evidence. As a conclusion, nowadays everything needs to be approval as to get someone’s trustiness.


In this reading 4.4, it explained about statistics where it is normally used in many fields such as by government, business, research worker and literacy field. Statistic has two meaning as in plural it refers to information about phenomenon or activity which is expressed in numerical form while in singular sense; it is used in the art and science of collecting, interpreting numerical data and so on. As a conclusion I can described that statistic is really important but we have to remember that not all of the result is correct.


This is quite an interesting topic which entitled ‘Crooked and Fallacious Thinking’. In this topic what I can cope is it tells about the medium or maybe can be called as transfer devise where it is used to attract people. People also make conclusion at the 1st sight where it will evaluate it on their expectations. Besides it also can be conclude as complicated thinking where the thinkers the words to make it difficult to understand and this may lead to misunderstanding. That’s all.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Three blogs


This article entitled ‘Please, let me go to your school’ is about one girl who do not have abilities like a normal children. She wants to go to a normal school but at the end her request was rejected by the higher authority of that school. That girl, as a Scarlett can be described as a victim. Her mother plays a role as the one who protest because her daughter was not allowed to go to that school. Actually I think the writer was bias as she just wrote the things that she heard from one party. How about the school side? Maybe they have very concrete reasons of why this thing happened. The writer as the main position to deliver the exact events that happened should be fair and really careful with any words that she wrote. As a conclusion, positioning is the important element to influence the readers.


This article which entitled ‘A sketch a possible linguistic approach to Critical Literacy’ is about problematic the texts as ideological positioning and open up space for a number of critical readings which provided the basis of informed debate, analysis and critique. A Sketch of a possible linguistic perspective is a linguistic perspective. It was that include 5 elements. There are field, genre, mode, tenor and ideology. All this 5 elements are realized through the specific language choices in text. In addition, it tells us how language works are written and how it will be applied in critically literate. As a conclusion, having a nation of the text analysts’ is a cure for all social ills.


In reading 3.4 which is under ‘Speech and Speakers: The formation of individuals in discourse and genre’. There are 3 subtopics in this main topic which are Discourse and Readers, Genre and Reading Position and Language and Language Users. Speech and speaker is the formation of individuals in discourse and genre. Serious speech and conversation or piece of writing can be defined as discourse and readers. Genre and reading position are constructing by discourse. The third subtopic is language and language users where it explains about all people in this world are perfect as a speaker if they have an experience. Not because they born as a perfect speaker. That’s all what can I say about this topic.

Battling The Bullies


Based on the article ‘Battling the bullies’ in the reading 2.1, I can see that the way the writer arrange her sentence and describe the story is quite bias. Why I said so? It is because the writer showed her sympathy on what was happened towards Mary Watson’s son. Actually, it is right if the writer felt that way but can’t her ever think about the one who did the bully? From my opinion, the writer should dig out why that particular person did it in order to solve this problem? In this article we can see that the writer criticize the bully. Maybe for the writer the bullies are the bad people but I think they maybe have inner problem which we are all do not know what was it. So, as a conclusion, I’m glad if the writer helps them too.